What Our Clients Say
our services

Turnaround time
We provide high quality, affordable transcription services to you and meet your deadlines.
We go that extra mile to ensure every project is completed to your satisfaction.
(We are available weekends if scheduled in advanced.)

Verbatim or Semi-Verbatim Transcript
A verbatim transcript is a word for word transcript of audio to text. Verbatim includes all umms and ahh’s, stuttering and false starts.
A semi-verbatim or “cleaned up” transcript is one that eliminates the umms and ahhs, stutters and duplication of words, excessive “you knows,” chitchat that does not pertain to subject matter.

Most frequent questions and answers
1. Do a test of the equipment and all microphones and play it back to ensure the equipment is hooked up properly and that you are getting a clear recording. Check your recorder for hums, faulty microphones, bad connections or loose wires. Make sure the audio is recorded on the correct speed. Plug recording device into wall outlet if possible OR make sure the batteries are fresh and be sure to always change them often, as worn down batteries will affect the quality of the audio.
2. We can also transcribe digital audio and video files, i.e. MP3, MP4, WAV, WMV, MPEG4 files, etc.
3. Always use an external microphone if possible, and more than one microphone if there are several people in session or a larger room. Have anyone speaking sit close to the recording device.
4. Please instruct everyone at the hearing/interview or focus group to speak loudly and clearly into the microphones or position the person(s) in front of the recording device. If they do not speak into recorder or microphone the audio may not be clear. If necessary, remind them again during the session.
5. For legal proceedings, please have each person (attorneys, clients, etc.) introduce themselves and spell their names when introducing themselves. Ask that only one person speak at a time and remind them again during the hearing/interview if necessary. Try to eliminate side conversations. It will also help greatly if people do not interrupt each other. (It makes it very difficult to transcribe when more than one person is talking at the same time.)
6. Beware of background noise (fans, air conditioners, sirens, ruffling papers, open windows, and doors, etc) in the room that creates extraneous noise and can affect the quality of your audio and avoid sliding the recording device or microphones on the table, if anyone is speaking.
7. If someone in the room has a persistent cough, ask him/her to turn away from the microphone or recording device when coughing, so the other people’s words are not overshadowed.
The following, but not limited to:
- Academic
- Branding Sessions
- Case Studies
- Conference Calls
- Conference Sessions
- Corporate Productions
- Corporate Videos
- Court Hearings
- Documentaries
- Focus Groups
- Forums
- Group Interviews
- Instructional videos
- Interrogations Interviews
- Investigations
- Key Informant Interviews
- Law Enforcement (Fully Vetted)
- Legal Proceedings
- Man on the Street Interviews
- Media/Video Broadcasts
- Meetings
- One on One Interviews
- Panel Discussions
- Phone Recordings
- Podcasts
- Presentations
- Prison Recordings
- Radio Broadcasts
- Sales Meetings
- Seminars
- Teleconferences
- Telephone Calls/Recorded Calls
- Telephone Interviews
- Town Hall Meetings
- Training Sessions
- Training Videos
- Television Broadcasts
- Videos
- Webinars
We accept all digital and analog formats of audio and video files.
We can transcribe your digital files; for example DCR, DSS, MP3s, WAV, WMA, MPEG4, MP4, (just to name a few. You can send us your audio and video files, as an email attachment (if it’s not too large), or we have a secure online FTP site that you can upload your files to and we can retrieve them. We can also retrieve files from your FTP site. There are also free file transfer sites available, such as Dropbox, Box,
You will receive your completed transcript back by email, in a Word file or PDF file if that is your preference, as soon as the project is completed. If you have several interviews or focus groups or a larger project, we will email them to you as we complete each one.
Account status is available at our discretion. In most cases, billing is done after each project is completed and terms are due upon receipt unless other arrangements are made in advance. We also accept PayPal.
- TG/ED Certified – State of Minnesota
- Targeted Business Program – University of Minnesota
- CERT Program
- Level 2 CJIS Security & Awareness for Minnesota Criminal Justice & Law Enforcement
- Federal/SAM